Thursday, July 1, 2010

Swimming.. More like Floating.

I dipped my toes in the water and suppressed a shiver. Do I really want to walk into this freezing cold water in the middle of January? My super tall cousin grabbed my hand and yanked me in. Guess I don't have a choice! Good thing too, because swimming in the Dead Sea was an awesomely weird experience! And we all know how much I love weird things.

I say swimming when, in reality, you really just float and try not to get any of the water in your eyes. The Dead Sea borders Israel and Jordan and is the lowest point on the Earth's surface. It is super salty (8.6% saltier than the ocean!.. Thank you Wikipedia) and stings if it gets in your eyes. It is called the Dead Sea because nothing can live in that water. And, due to the salt levels, you immediately float.

What a weird sensation! You walk (or get dragged by tall cousins) into the water and all of a sudden you realize that your feet aren't touching the ground and you are just kind of bobbing there. It is an unreal experience. I added this on to my Life List before I went to Israel, mostly because EVERYONE said that I must swim in the Dead Sea. I really wasn't sure why I added it to my list until I actually got into the water. WHOA so THIS is what everyone was talking about! It is a weird, fun experience and feels like what I imagine walking in space feels like... completely unnatural!

My tall cousin and I loved floating in the Dead Sea. And I loved sharing such a cool experience with her. Israel has so much culture, history and life to it and I learned so much there. It was a lot of fun to experience it with someone else who I share so much personal culture, history and life with! <3 my cousin! And floating in the Dead Sea! Sorry for the sappy ending and uncreative writing. I haven't written in my blog in awhile so I gotta get myself back into it again. Stick with me and they'll get better!

And... cross that one off the list!

Swim in the Dead Sea

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